Contact Hoerner & Geer

Hoerner & Geer's talented & experienced team delivers amazing results.

We have a can-do attitude backed up by more than 21 years experience delivering high-end, creative solutions on time and on budget.


Find us.

150 W Broad Street, Chesaning, MI 48616
8275 Holly Road, Ste #2, Grand Blanc, MI 48439
2722 E Michigan Ave, Ste 240, Lansing, MI 48912
77 Monroe Center St NW #6, Grand Rapids, MI 49503
1618 Denver St, Midland, MI 48640

Contact us.

Chesaning Office 989-845-3232

Grand Blanc Office 989-845-3232

Grand Rapids Office 989-845-3232

Lansing Office 989-845-3232

Midland Office 989-845-3232

General email

Partner's Contact Email

Office hours

Post-Tax Season
Monday-Thursday: 9am to 4:30pm

Friday-Sunday: Closed